
This term implies compliance with laws and regulations by companies in addition to voluntary codes.

Compliance management system

The entirety of the principles and measures employed by a company in compliance with certain regulations and therefore to avoid violations in a company is referred to as the compliance management system.


HAMBORNER REIT AG takes compliance very seriously. The Management Board is fully committed to compliance and has developed a comprehensive compliance management system to ensure that HAMBORNER’s business activities are always in compliance with the law and its internal policies and regulations. At the same time, responsible conduct is to be permanently established in the way that employees think and act.

The three pillars of the HAMBORNER compliance management system

Our compliance management system is based on three pillars:

  • Prevention
  • Information
  • Response
In particular, the preventive measures include the regular training of all HAMBORNER employees and a detailed compliance policy that applies unconditionally to both the Management Board and all employees, regardless of their level in the hierarchy. The policy clarifies legal provisions, defines internal principles of conduct and serves as a guideline for employees. It is intended to protect employees against legal violations and breaches of contractual obligations, help to avoid conflicts between business and private interests and to protect the company against material losses and reputational damage.

A further fundamental component of all efforts to ensure legally compliant conduct and to avert damage to the company is that information about possible misconduct reaches the Management Board and the Supervisory Board of HAMBORNER REIT AG. A clearly defined and functional whistleblower system that enables the investigation of compliance breaches is therefore the second pillar of the compliance management system at HAMBORNER REIT AG.

Whistleblower system and ombudsman

The company has appointed a lawyer as an external ombudsman to serve as a neutral contact for employees and business partners in the event of compliance violations. This ombudsman can be reached via HAMBORNER REIT AG’s whistleblower system and receives information on possible misconduct or legal violations within the company’s sphere of influence. The system guarantees the anonymity of the whistleblower throughout the entire process if so desired. More information can be found on our website under Corporate Governance/Compliance.