The abbreviation stands for environmental, social and governance and thus refers to the three-pillar model that claims that sustainable development is only possible by focusing on environmental, social and business objectives simultaneously. ESG places an additional focus on governance. In a narrower sense, ESG describes non-financial factors, issues and criteria that are taken into account in investment processes and can have a material impact on the financial performance of companies and portfolios. ESS first became established in the finance sector before increasingly spreading to other sectors as well.


HAMBORNER REIT AG began establishing systematic sustainability management early on. We have been addressing the ecological and social impact of our business operations and the resulting challenges with growing intensity over recent years.

ESG organisation

In 2020, HAMBORNER established an internal Sustainability Committee consisting of the Management Board and the managers in charge of selected business areas. The Sustainability Committee regularly addresses relevant environmental, social and governance issues and is responsible for the integration and enhancement of ESG criteria in HAMBORNER REIT AG’s business activities. The Committee is directly involved in the strategy development and materiality process and formulates specific subject and action areas within sustainability management. Furthermore, the Committee also oversees the implementation of company-wide sustainability activities.

The ESG Committee in the Supervisory Board

HAMBORNER REIT AG has actively expanded its sustainability management in the past reporting cycle as well. For example, organisational structures were revised and an ESG Committee was established at the level of the Supervisory Board in 2022. Moving ahead, this Committee will advise the Management Board and the company on key sustainability issues and, in particular, will handle the integration of sustainability into corporate strategy, the definition of sustainability goals, reporting, risk management and key organisational and process issues.

ESG strategy

Our sustainability strategy underwent substantial revision in 2020 and we defined four key action areas for our sustainability activities. The focus on materiality is in line with our principle of efficiently steering HAMBORNER REIT AG’s resources and commitment towards the issues where we identify the most significant environmental and social impact while also utilising the most effective levers for optimising our ESG performance. In addition to examining key issues closely aligned with the business model, the expectations of our stakeholders are always taken into account.

Strategic sustainability programme

We have developed a strategic sustainability programme to ensure the structured implementation of our sustainability activities and the ongoing documentation of our progress. It serves as a roadmap for achieving our sustainability goals in our key ESG action areas.

More information on its implementation can be found on our website under sustainability and in our sustainability report.